A year of writing

A year of writing

Lee Gabel

On January 12, 2021, I set out to write a three book saga in a year. Now it's time to celebrate and you could win.

Am I done? No, but that's okay. I'm well into book three with the finish line on the horizon. The story took on a life of its own (as stories often do) and as a result, I'll probably finish around February or March 2022. Still, 240 working days and 244,000 words later (or just over 1,000 words per day), that's cause to celebrate.

So here's what I'm going to do. If you’re a member of my reader group, you could win signed paperbacks if you guess the TOTAL first draft word count of ALL THREE BOOKS in the saga when I’m done. [Update: Contest closed on July 31, 2022] The form to lock in your guess will be revealed in a future reader group update. Don't miss out. LeeGabel.com/signup

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