New series/saga update
Lee GabelI made great progress last month on my new trilogy/saga and banked almost 22,000 words.
The first draft is always for me so perhaps I am writing too much detail. At this point I don't care too much because I'm having too much fun. Hopefully that comes out on the page too.
I've got a total of 90,000 words banked on the first book of the new trilogy/saga. Even my new target of 100,000 words per book might not be enough. This month I should be done with the first draft of book one. I hope. But if it's not, I'm not too worried. A story will tell me when it's done. One aspect of writing a story situated in 1986 (besides no smartphones!) is revisiting all the old products, places, music, etc. I love incorporating music into my stories and this saga will be no exception. My anticipated completion date for the first draft of all three books is still looking like November 2021. 😊