There will be a Detest-A-Pest #4
Lee GabelDespite starting on a new three-book series this year, I will be writing a fourth book in the Detest-A-Pest series.
I don't want to become bored of the stories I write. That boredom would come across on the page. It was one of my biggest fears when first attempting a series. What if the series starts feeling like "more of the same"? I know it's the characters that drive the story, but the situations can feel similar. The last thing I wanted was to start going through the motions. That's one of the reasons I'm taking a little break from the Detest-A-Pest series. I want to come back fresh for Detest-A-Pest #4. And even though I am writing something new this year, I'm always thinking about other book ideas, jotting down notes. That includes ideas for Detest-A-Pest.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. I will do my best not to disappoint you.