Uncharted Territory

Detest-A-Pest #4... the twists and turns continue
I'm still on track to finish the first draft in early November, despite my productivity hiccups in the past couple of weeks.
Detest-A-Pest #4... the twists and turns continue
I'm still on track to finish the first draft in early November, despite my productivity hiccups in the past couple of weeks.

Canadian Independent Bookstore Day Contest! Win...
You could win $1000 towards new books when buying from a Canadian Independent Bookstore. Limited time offer.
Canadian Independent Bookstore Day Contest! Win...
You could win $1000 towards new books when buying from a Canadian Independent Bookstore. Limited time offer.

Paperbacks are now available
You can now buy paperbacks directly from my bookshop. This has been a long-standing goal in my journey to offer an alternative to the "massive corporations." The books will be...
Paperbacks are now available
You can now buy paperbacks directly from my bookshop. This has been a long-standing goal in my journey to offer an alternative to the "massive corporations." The books will be...

Unboxing of Lucid Revenge Paperback
Lucid Revenge launched on September 30, 2022, and now paperbacks are available. A matte cover wraps 312 pages of silky cream paper. Continue the saga with this premium paperback.. Here's the official unboxing:...
Unboxing of Lucid Revenge Paperback
Lucid Revenge launched on September 30, 2022, and now paperbacks are available. A matte cover wraps 312 pages of silky cream paper. Continue the saga with this premium paperback.. Here's the official unboxing:...

It's release day for Lucid Revenge
JULY 27, 1986 • Cash’s body slouched uncomfortably against orange vinyl cushions cracked at the seams and worn smooth by past visitors. The chair, and Wynter’s hospital room, had become his...
It's release day for Lucid Revenge
JULY 27, 1986 • Cash’s body slouched uncomfortably against orange vinyl cushions cracked at the seams and worn smooth by past visitors. The chair, and Wynter’s hospital room, had become his...

Preview a full 20% of my books
When you visit a brick and mortar bookstore, it's commonplace to pick up an interesting book, flip through it, and read some of it to make sure you'll enjoy it....
Preview a full 20% of my books
When you visit a brick and mortar bookstore, it's commonplace to pick up an interesting book, flip through it, and read some of it to make sure you'll enjoy it....